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Timed Online Bidding
October 27, 2024
Estate & Consignment Auction
  • Timed Bidding Ends
    Sunday Oct 27 – 10am
    -Items close in 30 second
  • Viewing:
    Friday Oct 25th

Pickup Times:

  • Sunday Oct 27 – CLOSED (Auction Day)
  • Monday Oct 28 – NOON to 7pm
  • Tuesday Oct 29 – 10am to 5pm
  • Wednesday Oct 30 – 10am to 5pm
    (Payment Deadline)
  • Thursday Oct 31 – 10am to 5pm
  • Friday Nov 1 – 10am to 4pm
  • All other times by appointment


Downloadable Lot Listings

Full Listing ():

  • Available Closer To Auction

Alcohol Lots Only ():

  • Available Closer To Auction


Timed Bidding Details

-Items begin closing in 30 second intervals.
-Close time is extended if bids are registered 60 seconds before it sells.
-Extension time is 30 seconds.

Online & In-House Bidding
December 14, 2024
Estate & Consignment Auction
  • Bidding/Approvals Begins
    Closer to auction – TBD
  • Live In-House & Online Auction
    December 14th 2024
  • Viewing:
    Friday Dec 13th
    3pm to 8pm

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